Natural Health Assessments

a solution-based resource



Wholysm refers to the experience of living life as one – an ecstatic physical, mental and spiritual clarity.

For most of us this experience is fleeting at best and our attempts to hold or repeat these peaks end in frustration. Yet we seem to be called to find them – like nectar for the honeybee.

If you are drawn to this sweetness then there are many ways to encourage it. Our emotional ups and downs are all essentially rooted from the same illusion. They come and go - transient feelings that depend on life circumstances. They endure until we switch our allegiance. But how to do that.

First, we must have an experience of another way. Until we have a legitimate experience of another “viewpoint” there is no way that the mind can let go of it’s own. That is the basis of what I call wholysm – to experience that other way of being.

Then we enhance and support the “other way” in the face of the powerful forces of the prevailing world view. It takes practice.

In reality we are already at one but the mind, in its delusion, believes otherwise - that we are indeed separate and that we must strive in order to be worthy. The true joy of our being cannot penetrate the investment we have in our conditioned beliefs, judgments, fears and considerations. When life hits us hard, it’s because we’re holding on to a belief so tightly that it hurts our life force. Our mind recoils. We have heartache, sadness, isolation, depression, fear, loss, grief, anger.

Most of our problems stem from this belief that the mind is right. That the voices in our head must be true - that this is who we are. What it amounts to is a self-imposed exile from the garden of Eden - and ironically it is completely self-generated. But it’s just not true.

The movement here is away from health – because our basic thinking is flawed. It is anti-life. True health cannot exist in that environment.

However, when we invest in our truth, life can become quite thrilling. The whole body/mind functions at one in a delightful way because resistance is gone. The movement is towards health.

The practice of medicine is an uphill battle, unfortunately, until one addresses these fundamental questions of life, so this is the major thrust of what I call “wholysm”; not to be overly analytical about it, but to encourage the unveiling of the truth by patiently sitting with the condition as it presents itself.

Over the 30-some years that I’ve investigated the natural health field, I have developed many ways to bring a client back to a harmonious, health-affirming state. In many of these ways, the foundations are in fact psycho/spiritually based. Some involve manipulative therapies or energy work and others use nature’s bounty in a supportive way.

We all possess a natural childlike innocence and suppleness. Healing is actually engendering again that lovely simplicity while retaining the wisdom that comes from our life experience.

Opening to Heal

I work with the following principles and techniques to clear and heal the physical and emotional bodies naturally.

Moving into Truth

Embracing the joy of one’s true self is the greatest journey in life. As we advance in the path of healing we encounter and investigate fundamental questions regarding one's being. This is an experiential process. You will find deeper states of peace within and without.










I work long distance or in person. You can expect to talk about events and situations in your life and any physical symptoms you may be experiencing.

At the same time I assess your energy as presented in the moment.

A rather deep exchange can follow where together we move into the underlying thought/belief pattern. This is the pattern, that congealed, creates our dis-ease. As we focus in on it, we start to sense its energy beginning to move. As it changes, your hidden power reveals itself. This is the power you harness to remake your life into that which was originally intended for you.

If there are denser physical issues present I will likely do a more formal aura reading whereby I assess over 40 different body systems and indicators to get an overall health snapshot. That directs the next stage of healing where natural remedies are used to move the most stubborn of difficulties (See the Assessments page).

I like to work with a client over a period of time, several months at least and ask in advance that a client commit to the process. It takes time to get into the depth of it and build a trust of the process. Although some things can shift quite quickly, changing one’s mind takes a bit of time and most often needs ongoing support and reassurance. The mind can be tricky.

The process is like reverse engineering your life. Results are cumulative, the evidence that healing has occurred is in how you feel.



 - a natural, solution-based resource