Natural Health Assessments

a solution-based resource



Good Health

Some people think that they're in good health when they can get out of bed in the morning and not miss time from work. But this is not what we're talking about here.

Good Health is AN ABUNDANT ZEST FOR LIFE. It is not merely the absence of disease. It is about vitality. Vitality that begins with the vibrant and synchronous functioning of our organs, motivated by the unrestricted flow of energy throughout the whole of our self and anchored by an uplifted attitude.

When we’re sick it is easy to tell that something is not quite right. We are out of sorts - that is we are out of alignment with our vital force. Maybe we are stressed, maybe there are other factors as well. Maybe our beliefs about ourselves are not lining up in a supportive way. But even when we think we’re fine, our vitality can be hampered.

Why Natural?

It is obvious to most everyone that spending time in nature is incredibly restorative. After a day at work it is a relief to get outside. When we holiday we usually travel to a place of quietude. Even when visiting a different city we are out seeing the sites. So knowing that, why not trust nature when it comes to our health?

It’s not like our bodies were just invented. Natural cures have been around ever since mankind was born. Even animals when sick gravitate toward plants with curative properties.

John Land of is committed to providing straight answers to people about the roots of their health and wellness concerns. With the enormous volume of information available it can be quite confusing for a person to find a direction. There are often many approaches to treat a condition and they are often not complementary.

So, how to sort it out?

The Energy Reading

Modern physics is confirming what the mystics have always known, that there exists an invisible but pervasive ‘energy’ that underlies all of the material universe. (consciousness). This matrix can be attuned to by training the senses or fine tuning our ability to perceive. Very subtle shifts in energy can be recorded by the nervous system.

As a healthcare practitioner for over 30 years, John has trained his senses to perceive the subtle movements of a client’s energy (see his Bio). Even when a client is not physically present, he can attune to his/her energy field and deduce many things.

Each person is different and so the approach varies with what is being presented. Often it starts with an energy reading.

The energy signature of an organ system can be determined using radiesthesia and other techniques. This is recorded in chart form and compared with the energy signatures of other body systems. Thus a rather complete picture emerges of how the physical body is functioning . . . or not functioning. Some organs will be high indicating stress (over functioning) or low, indicating weakness or deficiency. Evaluations are done for approximately 40 organs and systems.

From these numeric values certain deductions can be made. Most often, there are several causative agents present creating disruption in the life force. Thankfully, natures bounty has provided solutions for most of these difficulties or dis-eases.

Hundreds of these charts have been prepared for people over the last 15 years and there have been remarkable changes when natural protocols are implemented.

Many conditions that appear are sub-clinical in nature. That is, they are not readily detectible through medical testing procedures but nevertheless impede overall functioning.

At I neither diagnose nor treat “diseases”. The work is to restore the vitality of a person where it has been impeded, suppressed, or invaded. The curative factor resides within the persons own body. We only serve to ignite it.

Energy Work

By the same fluid energy matrix that we live in which allows him to “tune in” like a radio, John interacts with a client’s energy body to make changes in structure and function. This includes working with spinal alignment and integrity. Many conditions can be attributed to misaligned vertebrae and the subsequent impeding of nerve and blood supply to organs and tissues. When the structure is corrected many things clear up.

Chronic pain is often alleviated through this work as it is but a signal that “all is not well”.

Many other things are revealed in this aspect of the work. Look at the Wholysm page for more information.

How it Works

Assessment: checking the vitality of 40 organs and systems plus a scan of the aura for trouble areas.

Suggestions: cleansing and remedials with ongoing support throughout the process.

Follow-up and reassessment: Multiple layers of insult likely need to be removed. Rarely is there just one cause. There are no magic bullets in dealing with the complexity of factors.

Rebuilding: Support of the body and its restructuring, through nutrition and energetic healing work.

Ongoing life counseling and psychic healing to reframe and re-contextualize your experience. When we change our mind about something it follows that we change our experience of it. Thus counseling/coaching and emotional support can be a strong part of our healing journey. See the Wholysm page for a more in-depth discussion.

The Session

Sessions are done by phone (or by Skype) and usually last an hour or more. The assessment is completed and explained, then education and suggestions are made for a course of action. The session can also include energy work to support the process. Again, every being presents something quite different so the session structure varies considerably. And as a person changes, so the nature of the work reflects that change.



 - a natural, solution-based resource